Presentamos nuestra flota en ICE charter – Vienna

Del 7 al 10 de noviembre Sailway operadora de flota en Vigo – Galicia presentó en la feria Internacional ICE Charter  sus novedades a las mas de 250 agencias internacionales que visitaron «la alfombra». Un formato B2B donde te das a conocer en la industria del charter. En ella los agentes internacionales ponen cara a las personas que operan flotas de sus clientes además de entrar en detalle en características de los destinos y de cada barco. Una alternativa muy dinámica para poder establecer relaciones laborales  y dar a conocer a otros países nuestra costa gallega.

Crewed and luxury yacht rentals have spiked in the last few years, as the world’s rich and corporate clients queue up to enjoy the yacht chartering extravagance.

The bareboat charter market is booming as well; the number of sailing yachts, motor yachts and cruising catamarans has exploded.

Yacht rental market is anticipated to expand at a compound annual growth rate of 6.5% from 2015 to 2020, according to the research carried by Future Market Insights. Furthermore, crewed and bareboat yacht rental market, which was worth €35 Bn in 2014, will be worth € 51 Bn by 2020.

By Future Market Insights, in bareboat charter in 2015 for agents turnover was 400M, and predictions are that turnover for 2019 will be 514M!

ICE is focused on the bareboat segment; including the whole bareboat fleet and parts of the crewed and luxury segment. This bareboat segment is responsible for only a part of the world’s yachting turnover but, at the same moment, it includes about 90% of the yachts and the workforce in this industry.

Because ICE is B2B, companies are not represented by hostesses and hired help, but by owners and upper management.

This makes it a unique gateway to a new market for any visitor or exhibitor; a large and growing industry ready to be accessed.